Results for 'Lovely Jean Caratiquit'

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  1.  41
    Love in the novels of Toni Morrison.Jean Wyatt - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):261-270.
    This essay focuses on the varieties of love in Toni Morrison’s novels. Love in a Morrison novel is always embedded in history, each character’s way of loving inflected by legacies from the ancestral past as well as from his or her personal past. Morrison has said that her novels are didactic. They teach a reader to think anew about love, race and gender. I differentiate in this essay between the early novels, which teach through character and plot and an occasional (...)
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    The Words: The Autobiography of Jean-Paul Sartre.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1981 - Vintage.
    Jean-Paul Sartre's famous autobiography of his first ten years has been widely compared to Rousseau's Confessions. Written when he was fifty-nine years old, The Words is a masterpiece of self-analysis. Sartre the philosopher, novelist and playwright brings to his own childhood the same rigor of honesty and insight he applied so brilliantly to other authors. Born into a gentle, book-loving family and raised by a widowed mother and doting grandparents, he had a childhood which might be described as one (...)
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  3. Love, Loss, and Learning in Chariton's Chaireas and Callirhoe.Jean Alvares - 2002 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 95 (2).
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    God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2011 - Fordham.
    The four talks collected here transcribe lectures delivered to an audience of children between the ages of ten and fourteen, under the auspices of the little dialogues series at the Montreuil's center for the dramatic arts. Modeled on Walter Benjamin's Aufklrung for Kinderradio talks, this series aims to awaken its young audience to pressing philosophical concerns. Each talk in God, Justice, Love, Beauty explores what is at stake in these topics as essential moments in human experience. (Indeed, the book argues (...)
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  5. On love (from the Letter to D'Alembert).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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    The Celebration of Eros: Greek Concepts of Love and Beauty in To the Lighthouse.Jean Wyatt - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):160-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jean Wyatt THE CELEBRATION OF EROS: GREEK CONCEPTS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY IN TO THE LIGHTHOUSE A voracious reader all her life, Virginia Woolf stored up patterns and images which she naturally wove into the fabric of her novels.1 Integrating literature of the past into her own works was also an affirmation of her belief that "everything comes over again a little differently," as Eleanor says in The (...)
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  7. Demand and Love in the Transference.Jean-Pierre Klotz - 1993 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 4:13.
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  8. The impossible project of love in Sartre's being and nothingness, dirty hands and the room.Jean Wyatt - 2006 - Sartre Studies International 12 (2):1-16.
    In Being and Nothingness (1943), Sartre explains love as a strategy for achieving control over "being-for-others," the objectified aspect of the self-imposed by others' defining looks. Two contemporaneous fictions by Sartre, The Room (1939) and Dirty Hands (1948), expand the notions of love and of being-for-others in surprising directions. Dirty Hands shows the creative, productive potential of being-for-others: Hugo's reliance on the other for his self-definition paradoxically generates his decisive embrace of being for-itself. The Room dramatizes the role of the (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Cultivating loving kindness: A two-stage model of the effects of meditation on empathy, compassion, and altruism.Jean L. Kristeller & Thomas Johnson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):391-408.
  10. About the Conditions of Possibility of the Philosophical Analysis of Films: A Kierkegaardian, Girardian, and Deleuzian Reading of In the Mood for Love.Jean-Yves Heurtebise - 2013 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 69 (3-4):451-470.
    Resumo A problemática na relação entre Filosofia e Cinema dá origem a duas questões: a primeira, sobre as condições que os filmes têm de satisfazer a fim de poderem ser devidamente tratados por uma compreensão filosófica; a segunda, sobre os requisitos, que os discursos sobre os filmes têm de satisfazer, em ordem a serem legitimamente considerados como filosóficos. Respondendo à primeira pergunta, através de uma análise ao debate entre Paisley Livingston e Aaron Smuts, acerca da “Filosofia do Cinema”, será afirmado (...)
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  11. On love (from Emile).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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    Eros and Psyche: Some Versions of Romantic Love and Delicacy.Jean H. Hagstrum - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):521-542.
    The millennial interest in the fable told by Apuleius in The Golden Ass has produced periods of intense preoccupation. Of these uses of the legend none is more interesting, varied, and profound—none possesses greater implications for contemporary life and manners—than the obsessive concern of pre-Romantic and Romantic writers and artists. Hellenistic, Roman, and early Christian culture had produced at least twenty surviving statues of Psyche alone, some seven Christian sarcophagi that used the legend, and a set of mosaics on a (...)
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    Literary Studies and Human Flourishing ed. by James F. English and Heather Love (review).Jean-François Vernay - 2025 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (2):484-491.
    In Thinking with Literature: Towards a Cognitive Criticism (2016), Terence Cave argues that the "calculus of literary value, whether aesthetic, ethical, or more broadly cultural, is a universal feature of literate cultures" which "arises from the sense that fiction, poetry, theatre, and their analogues are potential goods and potential evils, so that it becomes a matter of urgent concern to calibrate those values in relation to the wider values of the culture in question."1 The question of fiction's cognitive affordances and (...)
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    Can You Love Food?Jean Kazez - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 74:108-109.
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  15. Rousseau on women, love, and family.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press. Edited by Christopher Kelly & Eve Grace.
    This is be our second course adoption anthology drawing from this solid foundation.
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    Never a Lovely So Real: The Life and Work of Nelson Algren, by Colin Asher.Jean-Pierre Boulé - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (2):355-360.
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    (1 other version)God without being: hors-texte.Jean-Luc Marion - 1991 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Thomas A. Carlson & David Tracy.
    Jean-Luc Marion advances a controversial argument for a God free of all categories of Being. Taking a characteristically postmodern stance, Marion challenges a fundamental premise of both metaphysics and neo-Thomist theology: that God, before all else, must be. Rather, he locates a "God without Being" in the realm of agape, of Christian charity or love. This volume, the first translation into English of the work of this leading Catholic philosopher, offers a contemporary perspective on the nature of God. "An (...)
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    The Possibility of a World: Conversations with Pierre-Philippe Jandin.Jean-Luc Nancy, Pierre-Philippe Jandin, Travis Holloway & Flor Méchain - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Pierre-Philippe Jandin.
    Jean-Luc Nancy discusses his life's work with Pierre-Philippe Jandin. As Nancy looks back on his philosophical texts, he thinks anew about democracy, community, jouissance, love, Christianity, and the arts.
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    2. What Love Knows.Jean-Luc Marion - 2015 - In Hent de Vries & Nils F. Schott, Love and Forgiveness for a More Just World. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 27-35.
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    Love the way you lie.Jean Kazez - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 51:116-117.
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    In Ireland We ‘Love Both’? Heteroactivism in Ireland’s Anti-Repeal Ephemera.Catherine Jean Nash & Kath Browne - 2020 - Feminist Review 124 (1):51-67.
    Resistances to sexual and gender rights are shifting and need new theorisations. This article develops the analytical concept of heteroactivism by exploring its relation to abortion debates in Ireland. Heteroactivism as an analytical category examines resistances to sexual and gender rights that seek to reiterate the place of the heteronormative family (both in terms of gender norms and heterosexuality) through activisms that can stand against new legislative orders. The article investigates three texts to explore how the ‘Vote No’ campaign in (...)
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  22. The erotic phenomenon.Jean-Luc Marion - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    While humanists have pondered the subject of love to the point of obsessiveness, philosophers have steadfastly ignored it. One might wonder whether the discipline of philosophy even recognizes love. The word philosophy means “love of wisdom,” but the absence of love from philosophical discourse is curiously glaring. So where did the love go? In The Erotic Phenomenon, Jean-Luc Marion asks this fundamental question of philosophy, while reviving inquiry into the concept of love itself. Marion begins his profound and personal (...)
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    Le corps épris.Jean-Marie Frey - 2005 - Nantes: Pleins feux.
    Dans les sociétés démocratiques contemporaines, les individus revendiquent le droit d'aimer librement. Ils sont attachés à la réussite de leur vie sentimentale et à l'épanouissement de leur sexualité. Mais le corps épris nous permet-il d'accéder à l'existence heureuse que nous désirons? Dans ce livre, Jean-Marie Frey met au jour les ressorts de l'inquiétude suscitée par l'amour charnel. Il montre comment la pudibonderie et le libertinage expriment, chacun à leur manière, une tentative pour se rassurer. Les prudes désireux de voiler (...)
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    Too Shame to Look: Learning to Trust Mirrors and Healing the Lived Experience of Shame in Alice Walker's The Color Purple.Kimberly S. Love - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):521-536.
    This article investigates the role of shame in shaping the epistolary form and aesthetic structure of Alice Walker's The Color Purple. I argue that the epistolary framing presents a crisis in the development of Celie's shamed self‐consciousness. To explain the connection between shame and Celie's self‐consciousness, I build on Jean Paul Sartre's theory of existentialism and explore three phases of Celie's evolution as it is represented in three phrases that I identify as significant transitions in the text: “I am,” (...)
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  25. Selflessness and the loss of self.Jean Hampton - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):135-65.
    Sacrificing one's own interests in order to serve another is, in general, supposed to be a good thing, an example of altruism, the hallmark of morality, and something we should commend to (but not always require of) the entirely-too-selfish human beings of our society. But let me recount a story that I hope will persuade the reader to start questioning this conventional philosophical wisdom. Last year, a friend of mine was talking with me about a mutual acquaintance whose two sons (...)
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  26. Christian Oster: From Courtly Love to Modern Malaise.Jean-Louis Hippolyte - 2006 - Substance 35 (3):23-34.
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    The Inoperative Community.Jean-Luc Nancy - 1991 - University of Minnesota Press.
    A collection of five essays of French philosopher Nancy, originally published in 1985-86: The Inoperative Community, Myth Interpreted, Literary Communism, Shattered Love, and Of Divine Places.
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  28. Is Aristotelian friendship disinterested?: Aristotle on loving the other for himself and wishing goods for the other's sake.Bradford Jean-Hyuk Kim - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):32-44.
    It has been not atypical for commentators to argue that Aristotelian friendship features disinterested concern for others, that is, concern for others that is completely independent of one's own happiness. Often, the relevant commentators point to some normative features of Aristotelian friendship, wishing goods for the other's sake and loving the other for herself, where these are assumed to be disinterested. While the disinterested interpretations may be correct overall, I argue that wishing goods for the other's sake and loving the (...)
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    Lacan avec saint Paul.Jean-Daniel Causse - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (3):541.
    La compréhension paulinienne de la loi a fait l’objet d’une réception dans la théorie psychanalytique de Jacques Lacan, en particulier le chapitre 7 de l’Épître aux Romains. Sur ce thème, plusieurs travaux récents en psychanalyse défendent la thèse selon laquelle Paul n’a pas su distinguer la loi symbolique du surmoi et, prenant l’un pour l’autre, a organisé tout un monde de la culpabilité, de la haine et de la persécution. Lacan adopte un point de vue assez différent. Sans ignorer la (...)
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    The visible and the revealed.Jean-Luc Marion - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The possible and revelation -- The saturated phenomenon -- Metaphysics and phenomenology: a relief for theology -- "Christian philosophy": hermeneutic or heuristic? -- Sketch of a phenomenological concept of the gift -- What cannot be said: Apophasis and the discourse of love -- The banality of saturation -- Faith and reason.
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  31. L’Amour Enténèbre.Jean-Jacques Sarfati - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:129-142.
    The Darkness of Love. This text defends the idea of the philosophical evil as opposed to purely psychological and/or sociological evil. Philosophical evil is an evil that forces action and reflection in all matters. Love, in the contemporary world, is a victim of this evil and it has been plunged into darkness by mediatizing approaches that drive us to despair. The objective here is to give substance to the concept of love by enlightening it again and taking it out of (...)
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    Aristotle on Friendship and the Lovable.Bradford Jean-Hyuk Kim - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (2):221-245.
    In this paper, I argue that Aristotle's basic principle, that all friends love only because of the lovable, is egoistic. First, I argue that 'the lovable' (τὸ φιλητὸν) refers to that which appears to contribute to one's own happiness. Second, I argue that the lovable is the final cause of love. This means that in loving only because of the lovable, all friends love only for the sake of what appears to contribute to their own happiness. Further, Aristotelian love for (...)
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  33. The Furor over Impostures Intellectuelles.Jean Bricmont & Alan Sokal - unknown
    The publication in France of our book Impostures Intellectuelles [1] appears to have created a small storm in certain intellectual circles. According to Jon Henley in The Guardian, we have shown that ``modern French philosophy is a load of old tosh.''[2] According to Robert Maggiori in Libération, we are humourless scientistic pedants who correct grammatical errors in love letters.[3] We shall try to explain here why neither is the case.
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    Prolegomena to charity.Jean-Luc Marion - 2002 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In seven essays that draw from metaphysics, phenomenology, literature, Christological theology, and Biblical exegesis,Marion sketches several prolegomena to a future fuller thinking and saying of love’s paradoxical reasons, exploring evil, freedom, bedazzlement, and the loving gaze; crisis, absence, and knowing.
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    A finite thinking.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Simon Sparks.
    This book is a rich collection of philosophical essays radically interrogating key notions and preoccupations of the phenomenological tradition. While using Heidegger’s Being and Time as its permanent point of reference and dispute, this collection also confronts other important philosophers, such as Kant, Nietzsche, and Derrida. The projects of these pivotal thinkers of finitude are relentlessly pushed to their extreme, with respect both to their unexpected horizons and to their as yet unexplored analytical potential. A Finite Thinking shows that, paradoxically, (...)
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    Generosity and Phenomenology: Remarks on Michel Henry's Interpretation of the Cartesian Cogito.Jean-Luc Marion - 1993 - In Stephen Voss, Essays on the philosophy and science of René Descartes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter ventures into a deeper interpretation of the concept of cogito, ergo sum. The chapter begins with a presentation of the newly-reborn challenge and contact of Descartes' thoughts to contemporary philosophy. One such contact was Henry's use of “material phenomenology” to interpret Descartes' hermeneutic. The chapter emphasizes that this particular line gives access to an original and powerful understanding of the cogito, ergo sum, and not only that its phenomenological repetition pulls the Cartesian ego out of the aporias for (...)
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  37. The loves of Milord Edward Bomston. Translated, Edited by Philip Stewart & Jean Vach - 2009 - In Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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  38. Emile and Sophie; or, the solitaries.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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  39. Essay on the important events of which women have been the secret cause.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
  40. Letters to "Henriette".Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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  41. The death of Lucretia.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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  42. The Levite of Ephraim.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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  43. The two sexes (from the Letter to D'Alembert).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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    Chariton's Erotic History.Jean Alvares - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (4):613-629.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Chariton's Erotic HistoryJean AlvaresIt is clear that numerous personages and events of Chaireas and Callirhoe are either taken directly from history or are in some way based on historiographical materials.1 The work has been considered a historical romance,2 yet its mixture of genuine historical fact, gross inaccuracies, anachronisms of Chariton's period,3 and reflections of drama, oratory, and epic4 suggests to some that Chariton merely aims to provide a "general (...)
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    3. UNPOWER. An Interview with Hugues Choplin.Jean-Luc Marion - 2015 - In Hent de Vries & Nils F. Schott, Love and Forgiveness for a More Just World. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 36-42.
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    De Ordine Caritatis: Charity, Friendship, and Justice in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae.Jean Porter - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):197-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DE ORDINE CARITATIS: CHARITY, FRIENDSHIP, AND JUSTICE IN THOMAS AQUINAS' SUMMA THEOLOGIAE JEAN PORTER Vanderbilt Divinity School Nashville, Tennessee IS IT POSSIBLE to identify the :lioundational or characteristic content of Christian love? According to Gene Outka, the normative content most often ascribed to Christian neighbor-love, or agape, is equal rega.rd.1 On this aiooount, agape commits us to aot at all times out of a regard for the neighbor (...)
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    (1 other version)« », porte-parole de l’esprit européen.Jean-françois Nominé - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 56 (1):91.
    Signe des temps, Cafebabel, est un webzine gratuit paneuropéen publiant quotidiennement en six langues . Il vise l’eurogénération, « la première génération qui vit l’Europe au quotidien ». S’appuyant sur un réseau de 31 rédactions locales dans 13 pays européens, coordonnées par une rédaction centrale à Paris, les articles partent de toutes ces rédactions, sont traduits par un réseau de traducteurs bénévoles, puis revus pour le travail final de secrétariat de rédaction par des journalistes professionnels, en fonction du lectorat de (...)
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    Le yoga de l'amour.Jean Herbert - 1973 - Paris,: A. Michel.
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    Who am I?Jean-Paul Bourdier - 2021 - Novato, California: Goff Books.
    The lush surreal illustrations of this book and its short humoristic story telling make it a fun, quick read for all ages and for anyone obliquely interested in our thirst for development and the nature of who we are. Through a poetic parody of human's desires for more of everything, we become aware that such a quest does not bring us any closer to knowing ourselves or seeing, as contemporary scientific or spiritual leaders are telling us: all things and beings (...)
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  50. L'esthétique brentanienne comme science normative.Jean-Claude Gens - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (1):31-51.
    According to Brentano, logic, ethics and aesthetics are practical normative sciences, and they correspond to the three classes of psychic phenomena. But if a judgment or a love may be correct or incorrect, it seems more difficult to speak of a correct representation as this class of phenomena ignores a polarity such as right / wrong or good / bad. Brentano speaks nevertheless from the aesthetical “value” of representations. Aesthetics could in this way be considered as part of a general (...)
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